• DC-DC Step Down AMS1117 - Fix 3.3V / 5.0V - Smallest Small Buck Converter / Menurunkan  Voltan / 1117 降压 模块

DC-DC Step Down AMS1117 - Fix 3.3V / 5.0V - Smallest Small Buck Converter / Menurunkan Voltan / 1117 降压 模块

  • Code: A=4-B-006+
  • Availability: 70
  • RM1.59 ~ 4.09

✍ This is a basic voltage regulator, based on the AMS1117 integrated circuit. It is a must have product for the 3.3V / 5V electronic prototypes, allowing you to power the circuit from a wide range of input voltages. This nice little board also have LED which turns on when input voltage is applied.

On-chip trimming adjusts the reference voltage to 1.5%. Current limit is set to minimize the stress under overload conditions on both the regulator and power source circuitry.

✍ Step-down DC to DC yang menyukai elektronik, atau ingin menurunkan power DC ke voltase lebih rendah.
Atau membutuhkan alat untuk menaikan voltase DC lebih tinggi. Alat tersebut dinamai step up DC dan step down DC.
Fungsinya merubah voltase DC ke DC, bisa diatur untuk output yang lebih kecil.

✍ 本产品是一个DC去DC的降压模块,采用的是AMS1117稳压芯片,更加稳定,体积小,双面板设计,布局美观大方,特别设计了2个排针(Header Pin)固定孔,可直接固定在洞洞板(Bread Board)上实验。

- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

▼ Features

  • Wide range of input voltages
  • Power indicator LED

▼ Specifications

  • Input voltage: ⚡
    • [Option 5.0V] DC 6V - 12V (Input must 1.5V greater than output)
    • [Option 3.3V] DC 4.7V - 9V (Input must 1.5V greater than output)
    • [Option 1.5V] DC 3.0V - 7V (Input must 1.5V greater than output)
    • [Option 1.2V] DC 2.5V - 7V (Input must 1.5V greater than output)
  • Output Current: Rated 500mA (0.5A) Continues; Peak. 800mA
  • Output Voltage:
    • [Option 5.0V] Fix 5.0V DC ±0.05V
    • [Option 3.3V] Fix 3.3V DC ±0.05V
    • [Option 1.5V] Fix 1.5V DC ±0.05V
    • [Option 1.2V] Fix 1.2V DC ±0.05V
  • Size: 2.5cm x 1.1cm

▼ Package included

  • 1 x Step Down
  • 4 x Header Pin

▼ Pin Out
Vin+: Power In+
GND-: Power In-
Vout+: Power Out+
GND-: Power Out-

Voltage Converter
Input Minimum (Voltage) 2.5
Input Maximum (Voltage) Less than 12
Output Minimum (Voltage) 1.2
Output Maximum (Voltage) Less than 5
Output Load Current (A) 0.5
Output Load Max. Current (A) Heat-Sink Required 0.8

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